Last week the most powerful man on the planet, the President of the United States of America, referred to African countries, Haiti, and some South American countries as Sh**t-holes. He then went on to discuss how the country needed more people from Norway.
This is something we had to discuss, since every single one of the students in my class are from one of those areas. How can someone rationalize something like that? I've had to explain and define so many things since the the election (like dog whistle politics). Canada looks so civil right now.
We have discussed that everyone is prejudice, we all prejudge... that isn't the problem. The problem is when you allow your prejudice to turn into discrimination. That's what the President did.
I'm aware that many US Presidents were bigoted and less that nuanced, but after WW2 their office called them to a greater purpose.
I feel we're setting out watches back 60 years. My students deserve better.
If you feel that this is just an American thing? Any. TDSB US trips are cancelled due to the American travel ban. My students have family in the US and in these countries. If this doesn't bother you, you may have to check your ethical temperature.
My students deserve better.